Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Updates on My Parents - May 9th, 2016

Theses are my Facebook posts from May 9th

May 9 at 8:29pm ·

It has been a LONG day; about 8-10 hours of surgery total. Both Mom and Dad have done excellent and the doctor says it went as well as they could have hoped. I want to give everyone the official update to hopefully clear up questions. We have been telling you what we deemed appropriate until we could determine how to say it and till we could be 100% certain for ourselves that what we say is fact, and we appreciate your respect and understanding. Thus, now that the surgery is over, here is what has happened today:


Dad went into surgery early this morning. When he first arrived at the hospital they performed an emergency amputation on his left leg because the muscle was gone and the damage was so severe. They left it open in order to account for potential further muscle degradation and the possibility of needing to extend the amputation, and this morning they were able to close the amputation. Thankfully, the amputation was below the knee and remained where it was, so he should be able to walk fairly normal. They were able to rebuild the left knee and put a rod in his femur. His left forearm was shattered and they put a large plate in, and he is expected to have full usage of the arm. The arm has a cut in it still to help with swelling and he will go back in later this week to either sew it up or graft it. He's doing well; in pain, but doing well. He is supposed to start getting up and doing some therapy tomorrow.


Mom has very similar injuries; all on the left side. She has a deep laceration almost the whole circumference of her thigh, removing some muscle tissue, and her pelvis is broken. She also has a fracture in a vertebra in the middle of her back. The pelvis should heal, and the vertebra is similar to a compression fracture, so it should be okay after some healing time. The laceration has been cared for and will need to heal. In surgery, they pinned her broken hand (nearly every major bone) and it's now elevated. They anticipate that after some therapy and fighting stiffness that she will have full use of it. They placed the same kind of rod in her femur as Dad's. Her ankle and foot received so much damage (missing bone, tissue, and muscle) that it was not salvageable, but she received a below the knee amputation as well in order for her to have a functional leg and be able to walk fairly normal and it is slightly lower than Dad's. Mom is in her room recovering right now, and we are hoping to get her extubated and off of the ventilator tomorrow. They want her on it tonight just to keep her strong through the night.

This has been very traumatic and life changing, but we are so thankful to God that both of them are still here. God was watching over them and he is in the healing process. Please keep praying! Thank you so much everyone for the prayers, and thank you for the love and support that you've given and continue to give us!

May 9 at 3:19pm ·

Forgot my quote:

When God proves himself, we shouldn't be afraid to commit our trust to him.

Mom just left for surgery. Send up some prayers. The hospital let us all go in and have a family prayer. This hospital has been such a blessing to us. God proved himself with Dad. Let's pray and put our trust in him for Mom.

Dad is in his room in a lot of pain, recovering though. He looks so good!

May 9 at 2:21pm ·

Dad has been out of surgery for about an hour now. We are waiting for him to come out of recovery. The doctor said things went beautifully and better than he hoped. Mom will go in soon. Thank God! He is so good!

May 9 at 5:51am ·

I'm sitting with Dad in pre-op. He's good, just tired and on some meds. He should be going in shortly. Say a good prayer for their surgeries today. Mom's will begin around lunchtime.

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